Male Contraceptive Acceptability
Multiple studies have demonstrated that the world is ready for male contraception.
Potential impact of hormonal male contraception: cross-culture implications for development of novel preparations
CW Martin, RA Anderson, L Cheng, et al.
Human Reproduction, 2000.
International study where 493 men from Edinburgh, Cape Town, Hong Kong, and Shanghai were asked, "Would you use this method"
44–83% would definitely or probably use a male pill
32-62% would definitely or probably use a male injection
Attitudes toward male fertility control: a multinational survey
K Heinemann. Human Reproduction, 2005.
With sufficient research and development, new methods of male contraception may be available within the next decade — nevertheless, men's willingness to use a novel method of male contraception remains uncertain. A survey conducted across 4 continents, in 9 countries, and including 9,000 men has begun to shed light on men's attitudes. Results of the study suggest that men appear ready and willing to use new forms of male contraception. Although the results are promising, willingness to use may vary based on an individual's age, marital status, socioeconomic status, and religious beliefs.
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research and Reproductive Health
A Report on the Planned Parenthood PCOR & Reproductive Health Summit, July 2016
Patient and consumer survey with 1,658 respondents
Majority of respondents between ages 18-24 (46%)
Majority of data collected from Facebook (58%)
91% Female, 8% male, 2% Other
Survey was a combination of multiple choice and short answer, free response questions.
Free-responses coded for common themes by two researchers.
"The top 10 most common codes for the question “What do you think researchers should study?” are listed in Table 4 in order of frequency, with the most common listed first."
Acceptability of an injectable male contraceptive regimen of norethisterone enanthate and testosterone undecanoate for men.
Merrigiola MC, Cerpolini S, Bremner WJ, et al.
Human Reproduction, 2006.
Assessed attitudes towards and acceptability of male hormonal contraception among volunteers participating in a clinical trial of a prototype regimen, consisting of progestin (norethisterone enanthate) and testosterone (testosterone undecanoate) injections.
Self-administered questionnaires.
Average participant age = 28.
Most were involved in a stable relationship and had no children.
92% percentage of the respondents thought that men and women should share responsibility for contraception
75% said they would try a hormonal contraceptive if available. At the end of the treatment phase
66% of the participants said that they would use such a method, and most rated its acceptability very highly
None reported it to be unacceptable.
The injections themselves were indicated as the biggest disadvantage. No significant changes in sexual function or mood states were detected among the men who underwent hormone injections.
The acceptability of an injectable, once-a-month male contraceptive in China.
Zhang L, Shah IH, Liu Y, Vogelsong KM, Zhang L.
Contraception, 2006.
Study of injectable testosterone undecanoate as a once-a-month male contraceptive method from 1997-1999.
Loading dose of TU 1000mg with 500mg maintenance doses
n=308 men enrolled and interviewed w/ a structured questionnaire.
Only 38% reported dissatisfaction with the method
Did not ask about willingness to use the method in the future
Acceptability of a combination testosterone gel and depomedroxyprogesterone acetate male contraceptive regimen.
Transdermal testosterone (T) gel with injections of depomedroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) every 3 months effectively suppresses spermatogenesis in 90% of men.
Men's attitudes regarding the daily self-administration of T-gel and the impact of such a regimen on sexual function assessed via survey.
n=38 survey respondents, providing assessment at 12 weeks into recovery phase
50% were satisfied or very satisfied.
45% would use the regimen if it were commercially available.
76% reported ease of use, but a third felt that the gel interfered with their daily routine. Sexual function was largely preserved.
Acceptability of a transdermal gel-based male hormonal contraceptive in a randomized trial
Roth MY, Shih G, Ilani N, Wang C, Page ST, et al. Contraception, 2014.
Acceptability study conducted alongside a a three-arm, 6-month, double-blind, randomized controlled trial of testosterone and nestorone gels
99 men randomized to treatment, 79 provided acceptability data for analysis.
56% (44/79) of men were satisfied or extremely satisfied, and 51% (40/79) reported they would recommend it to others.
33% (26/79) reported that they would use this as their primary method of contraception if it were commercially available today.